Pat's can-do attitude translates to everything he does in life and he prides himself on "getting the job done". The respect he has earned from the highest levels of government both in Australia and internationally, along with sporting organisations, charities and all facets of the community, comes from his proven ability to make the impossible happen, time and time again.
Testimonial : 7 November 2022
Pat, I have received many positive verbal comments from my staff but here are a couple of email notes that I received that highlight your impact:
1) I noticed Pat sitting at the back of the room all morning, having seen lots of key note speakers, this was very unusual. Pat displayed such a big commitment to not only understand his audience, but more importantly, what we all do and our impact on the wider community. Pat’s unparalleled professionalism really shined through in his presentation, delivery and understanding of our profession.
Pat’s story was inspiring, I was also very moved by his tenacity, especially in the face of personal tragedy, Pat’s determination to finishing whatever he started, but most of all his genuine concern for humanity and Pat’s commitment to leave the world a better place, a timely reminder to us all.
2) I really enjoyed Pat Farmer’s session, his story is quite incredible and Pat was instantly likeable! His delivery of his story was funny, moving and inspirational. I was not aware of his many achievements prior to the session but I am now going to read his book. Thanks for inviting him to the retreat. He was fantastic.
3) My take out from Pat’s talk was his ability to look beyond self interest to achieve a benefit for the community. It's quite selfless and not a quality many people hold or value any more. It was a good reminder for me to keep perspective on the frustrations of daily life. Thanks again for the opportunity to be part of the conference.
Rob Vitnell
Testimonial : 31 August 2018
Some time ago I was given Pat’s details from Michael Petricevic the Managing Director of Oz Design, who had not long finished their National Conference, at which Pat was the guest speaker. Michael spoke very highly of the impact that Pat had on their group, and it seemed to be a natural fit with what we have been trying to achieve with our group and the direction we want to take our company, and more specifically the culture and attitude we want to foster and grow.
Put quite simply, Pat has been the most well received speaker we have ever had by quite a margin. And this is not coming from judging all guest speakers on their credentials alone, as we have had Olympic Sports stars, Business Leaders and Media Personalities in the past. Pat was able to reach our audience in a way that we have not previously seen, there were tears and smiles and everything in between, but every person in the room was moved in some way to hear Pat speak. The conference was held over 3 weeks ago, but the chatter and references to Pat and his talk have not died down within the business. I know of 2 store managers and a head office employee who have taken steps to improve their health, and they directly attribute this to hearing Pat speak.
Pat’s natural ability to come across as a very humble normal every day person, who by sheer will was able to achieve extraordinary and some might say “inhuman” things, I believe really strikes a chord with most people. Pat was able to touch everyone in the audience in some shape or form, and the fact he stayed around and mingled with everyone at morning tea really drove home to everyone what a lovely bloke he is. There was a line of people waiting for their opportunity to chat, and he didn’t disappoint anyone.
We are already talking about follow up initiatives involving Pat in the future, such was the impact he had on the group.
If there is any business, sporting organisation or any other member organisation looking for someone to make a real impact as a guest speaker or as an ambassador for your brand, I would not hesitate to throw Pat’s name right to the top of the list. Quite frankly, Pat’s list of personal achievements speaks for itself, however the real gold is found when you are able to get to know the man, and hear him speak, and see the positive impact he can have on other people. And it is for this reason, that I would have no hesitation is recommending Pat to anyone.
Therefore on behalf of Sleepy’s Pty Ltd Board of Directors, Executive Management, National Support Office, Company Store Employees, Franchisees and key National Suppliers, I would like to pass on our sincere thanks to Pat for being part of our National Conference for 2018.
Mark Buckley
Chief Financial Officer
Sleepy's Pty Ltd